I have some very loose ideas of what my major project will be so this is really just throwing some thoughts in the air and most of them are quite unrealistic. What I have been thinking and reading a lot about is the Arctic. I am fascinated by the concept of the north and the idea it seems to hold in the collective imagination as a hostile and much uninhabited place. I'm interested in the settlements/towns - the people who inhabit these places as well as the landscape that surrounds them. The idea is off course very wide and the area massive so it has to be defined in some way.
There is the white nights (24 hour light) as well as 24 hour darkness in winter (which will be hard to include in the time frame of the project).
Global warming is affecting these areas - in Alaska a whole village was moved due to erosion, seal hunters fall through the ice.
Then it is the quest for the Arctic(oil & natural gas), what some call 'the new great game'.
Some good books:
The Arctic - An Anthology (Granta)
Running with Reindeer - Encounters in Russian Lapland, Roger Took
True North, Gavin Francis
Other ideas is to expand on my coastal erosion project and maybe look at other areas in Europe or continue to photograph the Thames Estuary.
2024 – A Year In Review
2 months ago