Monday, 13 October 2008

Border stories

Here are some photo stories that I really like that are about borders:

East of a new Eden Yann Mingard and Alban Kakulya

People of Derry - Philippe Grollier

Abkhazia (Imagined States) - Eric Baudelaire

Trading over the Borderline - Guy Martin

The Middle Distance - Olivia Arthur

A lot of Paul Seawright's work deals with borders and the periphery.


Richard Schofield said...

Love the fucked-up Abkhazia pictures. I also really like Olivia Arthur's carefree attitude to light. The overexposed windows in her interiors, especially in The Middle Distance, are superb. How nice to be so relaxed about one's photography. Nice post.

rafael sanchez said...

Hello Anna,

First of all thank you very much for your comments and advice about my Latin American idea!

Very interesting links as well in this post...I wish I could be as good researcher as you, but I always get lost and overwhelmed by the quantity of information on the internet!

Talk to you on Friday.

rafael sanchez said...

I forgot to tell you that I agree with Sco and I find the images about Abkhazia fascinating. They remind me a bit Jonas Bendkisen ( Probably the wrong spelling for the author of Satellites) body of work in countries outside the western media radar!